Hydro Excavation, Sewer Cleaning, Sewer Televising & Bypass Pumping
Time is money, especially when dealing with sewage. Simply put, the faster sewage issues can get fixed, the better.
RP Constructors is a leader in wastewater management and has developed solutions for commercial industries, like food processing plants, and municipalities. Now, four new services have been added to further trim time off repairing and maintaining industrial sewage systems: hydro excavation, sewer cleaning, sewer televising, and bypass pumping.
Hydro Excavation
Hydro excavation uses high pressure water to liquefy soil in order to remove it. A vacuum then transfers the mud or slurry to a holding tank, revealing the layers of dirt below. Hydro excavation is a non-destructive excavation method. It allows crews to precisely remove dirt without damaging underground utilities like traditional methods using shovels or backhoes can. This means crews don’t have to wait the 48 hours required for utility companies to locate cables, lines and pipes. Hydro excavation allows you to find those lines yourself. While hydro excavation is more expensive than other digging methods, it can save much more than it costs by eliminating the damage done by traditional tools and reducing your timeline.
Sewer Cleaning
Sewer cleaning can prevent or detect issues before they become big problems. RP Constructors uses a Vactor 2100i Sewer Cleaner truck, the same used in hydro excavation, to flush sewers with high-pressure water. The flushing nozzle goes into the pipe, using a self-propelling action to clean the pipe. The waste is then sucked out using the same truck.
Sewer Televising
Sewer televising uses robots to detect sewer pipe issues. Once a sewer pipe is cleaned, the robot enters the pipe, finds and photographs the issue – giving users a real-time view. Different-sized robots are used for different-sized pipes and are accurate within a tenth of a foot. We know exactly where we’re at, by measuring from where we started.
Bypass Pumping
Bypass pumping allows crews to work on a damaged sewer pipe or system while keeping the sewage flowing because let’s be honest, sewage ALWAYS flows. Lift station repairs require crews to quickly deal with the sewage and without bypass pumping, production or entire communities could be shut down. That means companies lose money and communities lose services. Bypass pumping involves engineering, pumps, bypass guys, and access to wastewater systems to reroute the system so crews can get to work.
RP Constructors is uniquely equipped to handle repairs that require hydro evacuation, bypass pumping, sewer cleaning and sewer televising. Not only do we have the expertise, but we can get the job done quickly – and that’s what matters.
We have all the equipment. We have engineers on staff to deal with structure access, discharge, and floats. We will conceptualize the solution, set the bypass, find the problem and fix it.
Calling anyone else just means you’ll jump through several hoops.
One hoop for the contractor doing the bypass.
Another for getting the equipment.
A third for hiring an engineer to tell people what to do.
A fourth for going underground to fix the issue.
A fifth and final for hiring an electrician to get everything back up and running.
Stop jumping through hoops and call RP Constructors the first time.