Environmental, Water & Wastewater
Environmental engineering: The development of processes and infrastructure, for the supply of water, the disposal of waste, and the control of pollution of all kinds.
RP Constructors works in all areas of environmental engineering as a design/build contractor. Whether its potable water or wastewater, our engineers and construction professionals are highly experienced in the design and construction of both.
One example of Environmental Engineering is wastewater treatment. Wastewater is often a byproduct of industrial manufacturing, particularly food manufacturing facilities. Wastewater treatment is often a job many don’t like to deal with – but we’re not one of them. Whether its treating effluent prior to discharge to a waterway via an NPDES Permit, pretreating plant effluent prior to sending for further treatment to a municipally-owned treatment plant, or dealing with treatment residuals such as biosolids, we both design and build solutions that work and last for the years to come.

Environmental Engineering
RP Constructors can help design a new facility, or expand or upgrade an existing one as it relates to:
Potable water source, treatment and distribution.
Wastewater collection and treatment.
Landfills for solid waste.
Our Unique Approach
RP Constructors is unique in the field of environmental engineering in general and water/wastewater in particular due to our alliance with our sister company CEC. Our engineers are highly experienced in the municipal and industrial sectors solving real-world problems every day. And when RP Constructors provides a conceptual estimate for a project, you can assume it’s been internally vetted by a team of highly experienced engineers and estimators and you can rely upon it for budgeting or CAPEX planning.
Employing both licensed engineers and contractors gives us a unique competitive advantage. We are a team and can avoid delays because the lines of communication remain open. If a project requires a change, it is made quickly and in-house. We can determine what is critical for a project and expedite it quickly and efficiently because we understand each step of the process.
RP Constructors assists clients in meeting environmental regulations. We allow our clients to focus on their particular industry (food manufacturing, etc), not worrying about their wastewater.
Environmental Sustainability and Treatment
Anaerobic lagoons treat high strength wastewater and through bacterial action turn the contaminants in the wastewater into biogas. Wastewater enters the lagoon, which is devoid of oxygen. As the bacteria eat the waste, the waste turns into acids as an intermediate step then bio-gas. The captured biogas or methane is transported back to the plant to be burned in boilers and supply energy back to the facility from where the waste stream originated.
RP Constructors also designs and constructs systems to capture byproducts, like oils, that could be sold to outside suppliers.
Wastewater at Work
It is possible to solve your problem AND use that solution to lower costs in other locations. RP Constructors has done this on several occasions, using technology such as DAF’s (Dissolved Air Floatation) or anaerobic lagoons to not only lower the waste stream strength but generate a value-added-byproduct…
In 2017, RP Constructors won a bid to build a pretreatment facility for Prestage Foods of Iowa. The $12 million project had a timeline of 12 to 18 months.
RP Constructors built and CEC did the construction staking on a series of improvements—pretreatment building, underground utilities, lift stations, anaerobic lagoons, biogas recovery system—that will accomplish two goals for Prestage. First, it will save them considerably on sewer use fees from discharging their plant effluent to the City of Eagle Grove as the strength will be considerably reduced. Second, as many of the constituents as possible in the waste stream were recovered and utilized (grease, biogas) to align with Prestage’s goal of environmental sustainability.
We are currently working with another client in southeast Nebraska to do nearly an identical thing. For this client, because we combined our design and build services, we are completing the project faster and for less cost to the client. We deal with the stuff that clients would rather not mess with.
Looking to build a new facility or improve your existing one?
Give us a call or email us today. We design and build this work in conjunction with our sister company Civil Engineers & Constructors LLC, for clients throughout the Midwest.